12 Dynamic Laws Of Power

What is your concept of power? You know sometimes it is not how much power you…

Ghana’s Economy Grew By 4.8% In Q2 Of 2022 Despite Its Recent Economic Crises

Ghana’s economy grew by 4.8% in Q2 of 2022  The economic growth comes amidst an economic…

Within Its Own Borders, Kenya Is Facing A Significant Exodus Of Tech Talent

The talent hunt in Kenya for indigenous tech companies hits a rocky road, as tech multinationals…

Asian Countries would be Hard-Hit as India Restricts Rice 

In a bid to control domestic prices, the Indian government banned exports of broken rice and…

The Future of Business: Innovative Strategies Entrepreneurs Must Keep Track Of

Imagine how lovely it would be to work comfortably from home all the time; certainly, people…

Uk Inflation Rate Unexpectedly Falls To 9.9% As Fuel Costs Plummet

The consumer price index rose 9.9% annually, according to estimates published Wednesday by the Office for…

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