By Enitan Boluwatife
When my pen bleeds
Emotions of aftermath
of brutality,
I sometimes wish
to drain my ink
For I see not
what is coming.
The pledgers we
took for cover
Came rumbling
on our shoulder
The forces we
sought for defence
Tore our liberty
into shreds.
The clenching
of your fists
Vents turmoil
down our nerves
The welding of
your batons
Runs against our
breaths a millions times.
The clasping of
our palms
Sends no meaning
in your psyche
The trickling
of tears down our faces
Only summons charges
of falsity.
We are yet to
know when we turned enemies
That make us receive
sprays and teargas
For the bullets
and cannons we know
Are relatively
deployed in warfronts.
The unrhytmic
motion of your pintle
On the tender
passage of our girls
Make our souls
seem like an ocean
Where you could
wallow in any desired portion.
Ocean not,not
ocean.Ocean for you,
A drop for us!