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One of the factors that hinder the growth of a start-up or business is the inability to adhere to stated business plans channeled towards achieving desired objectives or set goals. Actualizing success in business entails proper and strategic plans and of course, beyond every business plan is the eminent need to act upon the plan. It is one thing to plan, it’s another to act upon the plans promptly and strategically which is what makes all input yield increase or grow. A lot of entrepreneurs are faced with the challenge of acting promptly on ideas or setting plans geared towards achieving a desired goal.

A major factor that has hindered quite several entrepreneurs or startups from achieving set goals and actualizing success is what is known as the imposter syndrome. A lot of people find it difficult to identify this counter intuitive entity as a major hindrance to business growth and breakthrough. Having  true  confidence in your  skills or ability  without  fear and doubt makes  the experience of making an impact and solving certain problems  enjoyable no matter the hurdle 

However, it is challenging to have a feeling of self-doubt about an individual’s competence especially when it has to do with an endeavour or project that sets one for a major milestone, even when everyone around seems wowed by the actualization of such a breakthrough or success. For example, the hen and the eagle, naturally, there are a certain height of flight the hen would never attempt, and if attempted it would result in failure, but for an eagle; the ignorance of its extent to fly and great vision  could delimit it attempt to its flying strength and ability. That eagle would never attempt to fly so high into the sky and if it does it’s going to see it as a miracle or mere luck, obviously other eagles would see it as the norm and not a miracle or luck because that is how the eagle has been designed. How embarrassing and limiting could it be for the eagle to believe it can better function as the hen? At every point, the eagles try to pick up their true personality and it is faced with fears and self-doubt. 

Entrepreneurs in their growth journey are at one point or another faced with the challenge of doubting their skills and capabilities, especially at the inception of a major project or breakthrough. Why you have failed to launch that program, display your brand, and submit that proposal could be caused by what is called the imposter syndrome.

The imposter syndrome aggravates the fear of not being competent and is associated with the traits of perfectionism, self-doubt, procrastination,  always longing to get validation from people before engaging in a project or decision, anxiety, and business stagnation.

The imposter syndrome has the following effects on a business: 

1. Delayed decision making 

2.. Poor time management

3. Loss of opportunity and sales 

4. Business failure.

According to research, the fear of incompetence is not streamlined to a particular set or class of people, the imposter syndrome affects most especially successful and celebrated Individuals with a high-achieving mindset are often the victims of the imposter syndrome and the ironic part of the imposter syndrome is that it is a feeling that creeps in when an individual is getting better at what he or she does.

The following keys can help win the imposter syndrome:

1. Identity success as a process: the imposter syndrome is accompanied by the fear of failing, however, growth or success doesn’t have to be perfect, failing is what makes success perfect, and failing opens you up to experiences that sharpen your skills. Understand the factual difference between failing and being a failure.

2. Build self-confidence: make positive assertions about yourself, and engage in productive conversations. 

3. Celebrate your little wins


4. Be open to learning novel things.

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