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A major group of people that has and are still impacting and providing solutions to the everyday challenge in our society to date are entrepreneurs. These are people who see problems or challenges as opportunities to create value or solutions for others. Entrepreneurs are people who through perceived ideas take the lead in the creation and establishment of innovations in our society. 

Having a business idea is not a capital attribute that makes one an entrepreneur, there are several other skills through which entrepreneurs activate change in the world.

One of the must-have attributes of an entrepreneur is leadership skills. A leader is an individual charged with the responsibility of leading people or subordinates to achieve set goals and objectives. Just as a leader has people who believe in and rely on them, so is an entrepreneurial person. For an entrepreneur, it is the people’s support and belief in your business that makes your business thrive.  Self-discipline and self-development are key elements of true leadership. 

As an entrepreneur or a start-up, you are first a leader to yourself, then to your business or brand. Your success at being a good leader to yourself through discipline and self-development will impact the way you organize, plan and manage your business. Your personality is a reflection of your creation, that is,  it is from the wealth of your personality that your business would thrive. For instance, certainly, an individual who procrastinates would never really get things done on time, if such an individual succeeds in having a business the same would be replicated in the operations of such a business.

Here are some leadership skills key to building and sustaining a business or brand : 

1. Positive Mindset: Owning a positive mindset enables you to manage problems and turn challenges into opportunities. A positive mindset positions you for hidden opportunities. It builds you with a wealth of experience. It helps create a healthy environment that enhances productivity and growth.

2.  Decision Making: The ability to be swift about making strategic decisions is a major attribute of entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs are known as risk takers. Your ability to weigh your options, identify the pros and cons, and make a good choice for your business.  There is a massive difference between just making a choice or decision and making strategic decisions. 

3. Research/ Strategic thinking: Ability to research and analyze information about your business, customers, clients, market and prevailing trends or culture in your business environment will enable you to stay abreast of events and make possible forecasts which in turn influences your decision making.

4. Integrity: Your strict adherence to ethical culture, and your ability to be transparent in your personal and business dealings with people, friends, clients, employees, and all. As a startup, perception is built over time based on your quality of contact with people. As a business owner your first and most reliable promoter is your circle and your customers, their perception of you and your business’s authenticity or reliability is the story they’ll promote.

5. Communication skills: This is the ability to build effective speaking, get to share clear information, and make difficult ideas easy to comprehend to all. It is the act of creating a good rapport with people, converting clients, and building networks and partnerships. Your communication skills as an entrepreneur will help you convince and persuade people to believe in you and your business.


Inculcating leadership skills as a start-up will help you command and realize success in your business endeavors. Entrepreneurs are leaders, your clients/customers, employees, and team members are the subordinates you lead, they believe in you.  “A small business leader knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way” –  John Maxwell.

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