Impact lives and at the same time project your brand through GABI events to over 2 million Audience.

It’s an honour to invite you; to sponsor GABI’s forthcoming event that is about to cause a major positive disruption in Nigeria; The Studentpreneur Conference and Award from 20th April through 28th May 2022.

The event seeks to recognize and award selected Top 100 students in the Nigeria Universities and polytechnics who are daring the status quo through entrepreneurship. Our goal is to honour and stir productivity and entrepreneurial spirit in Students.

To ensure the success of this event, GABI Magazine is seeking partnerships, financial support to promote this life-changing event.

The event attracts a high audience, entrepreneurs and high profile speakers and participants from private sector institutions, small and medium enterprise support agencies, and other development institutions throughout the country.

A few lines down more information on the event and a table of benefits and opportunities for potential partners and sponsors.


Once again we are excited to have you support our aspiration to help young startups.

Our Sponsorship is divided into 6 packages;


  • Logo on the event flyer,
  • Mention in our PR release,
  • Mention in special guest talk,
  • Participants Get to follow Social media account,
  • Advert space on one issue of GABI Magazine,
  • One-month Advert placement on our blog (over 2million metrics)
  • Official Sponsor recognition,
  • One Month Media Partnership,
  • Logo on the Big Cheque Print


  • Logo on the event flyer,
  • Mention in our PR release,
  • Mention in special guest talk,
  • Participants Get to follow Social media account,
  • Advert space on one issue of GABI Magazine,
  • One-month Advert placement on our blog (over 2million metrics)
  • Official Sponsor recognition


  • Logo on the event flyer,
  • Mention in our PR release,
  • Mention in special guest talk,
  • Participants Get to follow Social media account,
  • Advert space on one issue of GABI Magazine,
  • One-month Advert placement on our blog (over 2million metrics)


  • Logo on the event flyer,
  • Mention in our PR release,
  • Mention in special guest talk,
  • Participants Get to follow Social media account,
  • Advert space on one issue of GABI Magazine


  • Logo on the event flyer,
  • Mention in our PR release,
  • Mention in special guest talk,
  • Participants Get to follow Social media account


  • Logo on the event flyer,
  • Mention in our PR release,
  • Mention in special guest talk


  • Logo on the event flyer
Sponsorship Opportunity closes 19th April.
Sponsorship Opportunity closes 19th April

GABI (Gaining Ascendance By Inspiration) is a career and entrepreneur digital magazine committed to helping entrepreneurs and careerists dare the status quo. We give spotlights to startups and also distil knowledge from business veterans to emerging entrepreneurs.

We are a Nigerian based media firm with a global focus. Our vision is to become a leading business and career media firm, having the largest contribution to the entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Since our inception in 2020, we have been passionate about rewarding diligent entrepreneurial effort in startups across the globe to encourage young emerging entrepreneurs.



The 2022 Studentpreneur Conference and Awards aims to recognize the success and diligence of entrepreneurial Students. This unique awards program is established specifically to acknowledge, encourage and celebrate excellence amongst Skilled-entrepreneurial students, by giving them the opportunity to gain valuable exposure and well-deserved recognition for their national and global expansion ambitions.

This is not only an attempt to encourage entrepreneurship at an early age, but research has also shown that 39,654,385 micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) are operated in Nigeria. These numbers of MSMEs are part of the contributing factors to solving unemployment and economic growth. Therefore, if there is a system that helps this amount of MSMEs to sustain early knowledge that helps them evolve into a more leading business, imagine the level of impact this will have on the growth of the national development.

The main goal of the Award program is, therefore, to help the student startup grow and prepare for the larger market, at the same time to market these young stars as an investment destination for the rest of the world.

We greatly acknowledge and salute your support and contribution to promoting development in the country and would be very honoured if you could consider sponsoring this event.

For more info, you can visit the registration page here

To achieve the aim of this event, we have selected some top-notch executive coaches who are veterans in their industries, spanning from sales, branding to exponential growth


Sponsorship Opportunity closes 19th April
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