The European Union has reached an agreement on air traffic reform in an effort to combat the chronic delays and unnecessary emissions that result from the mosaic of airspace regulations across Europe. On Wednesday, negotiators from the European Council presidency and European Parliament agreed on reforming the “Single European Sky” to increase capacity, lower costs, and improve the adaptability of the air traffic control system. The deal also aims to reduce aviation’s environmental impact.
Despite decades of political divisions, union opposition and foot-dragging, this agreement is a major step forward. The deal still needs to be approved by the Council and the European Parliament, but it is expected to reduce CO2 emissions from the aviation sector and provide member states with more tools to limit the nuisance generated by aeronautical activity.
Under the agreement, member states will establish national supervisory authorities to assess air traffic control’s structure and financial sustainability. They can also merge economic and safety oversight functions in the same administrative entity to cut red tape and conform to common organizational models. The new regulation will incentivize the use of the most fuel-efficient routing and increase the use of alternative clean propulsion technologies, enabling air traffic network manager Eurocontrol to make more sustainable and efficient use of the airspace.